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College View Elementary School

Facility Condition Assessment Summary

Generally, the property appears to have been constructed within industry standards in force at the time of construction. The property appears to have been well maintained since it was first occupied and is in good overall condition.

According to property management personnel, the property has had an active capital improvement expenditure program over the past three years, primarily consisting of renovation of all restrooms and teacher’s lounge. Supporting documentation was not provided in support of these claims but some of the work is evident.

Spatial Quality Assessment Summary

College View accommodates a large percentage of DHH and SDC students both inter- and intra-district. Additional programs could be offered if additional and appropriate learning environment spaces were created and adopted. Current educational facilities do not meet 21st Century learning standards and hinder the capabilities of both the learners and teachers. As competition increases throughout our regional area for students and funding, a thoughtful and mindful approach is needed to accommodate desired student population growth and program offerings at this site and throughout the district.